Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sarah Goes to Hollywood

While analyzing Governor Sarah Palin's performance in tonight's debate, it suddenly hit me that Sarah Palin is an actress who never found her way to Hollywood. Her debate performance was much better than her performance in Katie Couric's interviews. However, it was clear that she learned her lines and stepped into the character of the folksy "regular gal" who's taking the political establishment by storm. Will Sarah's performance be enough to pull the McCain/Palin ticket from sinking further in the polls? I'm sure that it will bolster the enthusiasm of those Republicans who were starting to question the sanity of the Palin pick. It may even carry sway with those independent voters who care more about whether they like the candidate instead of the substance of issues. Although Governor Palin may have performed better than expected, she did not win the debate. She was evasive on many answers that required specificity--particularly the foreign policy questions. But, more importantly, Senator Joe Biden was surprisingly strong in his second half performance. He highlighted that John McCain has no plans that are different from George W. Bush. He questioned the veractiy of John McCain's "maverick" status. And, he challenged Palin on the notion that a man couldn't care and worry about his family. Joe's best moment was when he became emotional talking about his personal story and how it relates to the struggles facing Americans everywhere. Pleasantly, Joe Biden also stayed away from any negative body language or statements that could be perceived as patronizing or threatening. In short, the substance of Biden's answers and his ability to avoid any verbal or gender gaffe's gave him a clear edge. On to the next debate....


Black Pearl said...

Yes indeed. I realized the same thing. Palin is a trained broadcaster and I've been thinking for a long time that not only does she have a writer, but perhaps a comedy writer for her one-liner quips. She avoided specifics on quite a few things and stuck to the answers and topics she had studied and memorized. She was clearly acting a part. You don't get the sense that she actually knows what it is she so emphatically is talking about. She had set the bar so low with her gaffes throughout the week, that simply getting through the debate without getting tongue-tied was all she had to do to appear "successful."

Anonymous said...

I felt Palin did not show me enough in last night debate. One I felt the questions were easy yet she failed to asnwer many with any subtance. I feel the we have lower the bar so much for her that if she speaks in full sentences we say she did ok or that she held her own. She is an educated woman who is the Chief Executive of a State. I felt the GOP shaking in their boots. Biden was strong answered the questions showed support for Barack and without brown nosing. I felt he did better answering the question then did Barack in his last debate. This to must change if we don't want to see the fake Mavrick and the Beauty Queen in the White House in January.

zell said...

Sarah Palin was on TV last night to "sell sex" to Joe Six-Pack. Really, if she had been serious, she would have worn her hair the same way she wore it the night of her VP candidate acceptance speech and she would have not been smiling constantly and winking at the camera.

flogently said...

I'm so glad to have found your blog -- thanks so much for fighting the good fight!!

Obama Supporter 4 Hope-Change-Unity said...

Sarah Palin is a disgrace to women. John McCain and the Republican party have hurt women with this selection. The woman is out of her league. I think the American people saw right through her "performance." Every response was a big jumbo word salad. I head a big giant headache at the end. I couldn't do anything but go to bed a wake up the next morning hoping that this won't be a continuation of the dumbing down of America.

Oh, and today Cindy McCain launched an attack of Obama. She better be careful. We all know she nearly went to jail for STEALING narcotics -- Percocet and Vicodin. She does NOT want to throw stones. When you inject yourself into the debate you better be ready for what comes next. She's a plastic barbie doll who once had a drug problem. McCain is a man who traded up and married well. Enough said.